showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagslanguage
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op!  Image Works (Probe Software)1991 anthroprotagonist bossbattles cartoon city-newyork-ny earth latemodernperiod lives meleeweapons mp-cooperative multiprotagonists mutants ninja ninjaprotagonist nunchucks sai score staves subterranean swords teenprotagonist teens tmnt walking enlabelimagesubject
Dan Dare III: The Escape  Virgin Games (Probe Software)1990 comic dandare-series escape europeancomic jetpack mutants plasmaweapons enlabelimageminimize
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles  Image Works (Probe Software)1990 20thcentury bossbattles cartoon city city-newyork-ny comic earth ingametitle latemodernperiod meleeweapons multiprotagonists mutantprotagonist mutants ninja ninjaprotagonist northamerica nunchucks rescue sai score sewers staves subterranean swords teenprotagonist teens thrownweapons tmnt underwater underwaterdiving walking enlabelimageminimize
Mutant Fortress Players1989 ingametitle lives mutants runandgun score enlabelimageminimize
Psycho Soldier Imagine1988 athena-series femaleprotagonist lives mutants postapocalypse psychicpowers psychics score enlabelimageminimize